We are always on the threshold of a a new beginning.

And we get to decide how we choose to "feel" each and every day. But we must have a plan.
In this workshop, I will share the transformative process that has changed the way l live my life. At the start of each year, I visually create a map for the year ahead.
We will create a clear and beautiful vision board on the pages of board book of all that is to come. We will put it into words as if it has already happened (so powerful!). Each page will be tactile and full of layers, colors, scents and our powerful words.
This workshop will focus on how YOU want to feel & live.

The kindest of words for this course...

I am so loving this process. To get very quiet and still and project the way you want to FEEL. This has really been mind-blowing to me. I am such a “TO DO” list kind of girl, putting action from my head before the feeling from my heart. I’m going slowly with my journal as I want this practice to sink down deep into my bones. And I’m applying it to other areas of my life as well and it DOES inform me.  Lisa W.


“I like how nothing was final. Every version was so awesome - I couldn't believe you were changing it and then, ah ha, it was wonderful again! There is always hope in change. I will refer back to these vids many times to inspire impermanence and play.”. Laura R.


I am blown away by the sharing and the magick our pages reveal. Thank you, to Colleen and all who are a part of this tribe of authentic women. Sharon H.


I got quiet time, clarity, and so much more. This course had me rooting into how I wanted to feel, and actually even had me really latching on to my word of the year in new and unexpected ways. I feel re-invigorated and am planning to make some pretty significant changes in my life and business as I navigate the shifting and uncertain landscape that 2025 has laid at all of our feet. I am simply in love with all of the pages in my journal—and the sentiments and symbolism behind them. Jenn P.


This course has been so meaningful to me! Thank you for letting it develop naturally. Thank you for inviting us into you and into our own hearts!! It has been a powerful exercise. Terry  A.


Colleen, I love the white space you added, and I love the way you give us permission to change and develop in our own time. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Thea R.


Thank you for this bountiful respite from winter. You and your courses offer a mixture for a journey that both affects our inner being and outward work. This book will be with me all year as I change and adapt on a daily basis. Susan N.


You have such an artful way of putting your thoughts into words, I feel like you can describe inside of me sometimes. Jayne B.


Stepping into embracing what has always been here and is bubbling to the surface. Remembering- fear HAH! be gone you stupid little thing. Permission for self- how powerful to give self permission to love what you love - wear it, shout it OUTLOUD, in body, clothes living my life. you are a guiding star 💫

Sue K.


Thanks, Colleen, for inspiring me with every little bit you add to this class. Andrea F.


What goodness can you expect from this workshop?

We will create a visual map going forward that is designed to calm us & guide us in the year ahead.

Focus on how we want to "feel"...in both the most simple moments and in the most complex.

We will get these intentions down in a visual way that allows us to see what is possible.

We will ask the universe properly...

We will collectively share our vision with each other.

We will look to my past vision board journals as examples that I will share page by page and I will share the outcomes.

I will create my visual map for 2025 beside you.

In my online classes, I teach what I live and what I believe in.

This past year was one of the most extraordinary years of my life...and I felt it and saw it a year before

on the sanded, gessoed pages of a children's board book.

I wrote how I wanted to feel as if it already "was"...as if it already happened.

And those words & images sunk deeply into my subconscious.
I did some things that scared me...my first collaborative solo show, travel abroad with nothing but the clothes on my back, and I wrote about huge shifts in how I ran my business.
And under all the big stuff was all the little important things that get us through the day. I wrote about how I wanted to feel when I woke up, how I wanted to feel in my home and in my body. I wrote about how I was going to bring the calm & the joy with me.
And the calm and the joy became me.
So come sit beside me, and let's create the year ahead together.
How do you want to feel when you get dressed for the day?

Is there a mantra you want to bring into this year?

How do you want to feel in your workspace?

Your supply list:

I always tell the beautiful souls in my workshops they have everything they need, and this workshop is especially about that. It is all about YOU and for YOU with my gentle hand pulling you forward.

You need the basics:

  • A child's board book
  • Sandpaper
  • Gesso
  • Gel medium (I prefer matte)
  • A glue stick
  • A needle and thread
  • Clear packing tape
  • Masking tape
  • Magazines or printed images
  • Color in the form of your choice
  • Paper Solvy (water soluble fiber available on Amazon)

My style of teaching:

Intimate. My online classes feel like you are working beside me.

Real. If I sneeze during the video, I say "bless me please" & move on. I love discovering ideas in real time, so get ready for spontaneous bursts of joy.

Honest. What I am sharing with you is my creative process. These are the thoughts behind the work as well as techniques, my "why" for the books I share. My classes are the only place I do that level of sharing.

Collaborative. We will have a forum that we can communicate in the lectures. I will answer your questions both in the comments but also you will have access to a group. I love this part.


Videos "how do". Short enough to keep your attention & deliver an idea. I also love time lapse videos.

Videos "stories". These are videos where I share the story behind my journals.

Photos: Colorful, step-by-step, & before and after. I love photos.

Text: Clear, concise and so encouraging.

Links: To information or something I mention in a video.

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